Design of the Index
The CGGI is the most comprehensive index of effective national government in the world. It measures the capabilities and effectiveness of governments in 113 countries.
We have intentionally reached for the broadest global coverage possible — subject to the limitations of available data. The Index is made up of 35 indicators which are organised into seven broad pillars as shown below:

The first six pillars focus on six dimensions of government capabilities. Each of these six pillars and its results are featured in depth in the CGGI Report. The final pillar measures a range of key outcomes of good government that help create opportunity and prosperity, helping people to rise. Ultimately, good capabilities must translate into achieving outcomes that are valued by people and businesses. Each indicator has a quality or component that governments can take concrete steps in, to strengthen performance.
The Index uses more than 50 publicly available global data sources, the full list of which can be found in the Technical Annex. Since data sources come in a variety of formats, the data from each source is normalised, given equal weight, and aggregated to produce the final CGGI score on a scale of 0 (lowest score) to 1 (highest score).
Description of the Indicators for CGGI