The Index stems from our belief that good national governance and national prosperity are deeply connected. Mr Richard F. Chandler, founder of the Chandler Institute of Governance, has noted how leadership and governance shape a nation’s destiny — by enhancing public trust and sustaining an environment in which prosperity can take root and flourish.
This relationship between national governance and prosperity is characterised by three principles:
Government capabilities matter, and governments need to invest time and effort into enhancing these capabilities
Effective governments create opportunities for citizens to thrive, building the foundation of national development and prosperity
Good governance leads to better outcomes and increased public trust; high levels of public trust make it easier for governments to do their work
It is important that governments have the means to measure their capabilities and achievements. This will support them in taking concrete steps to enhance their effectiveness, and to build good outcomes for national progress and prosperity.

Every nation deserves good governance — good leadership, sound policy and effective institutions, and systems that work. Today’s citizens have better access to information than at any time in human history. They are keenly aware of what is possible – how government could function – from the rule of law to the delivery of education and healthcare.
Yet, around the world, citizens’ expectations of their government are often not met. This could be due to corruption, or to low state capacity and resources. Lack of planning and implementation skills often hinders regulatory enforcement and public service delivery. These constraints have been exacerbated in recent years, as governments face increasing challenges like climate change, digital transformation, and a global pandemic. Good governance is now more important than ever, and we need practical, relevant ways to measure this.